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Data Deluge

Infographic from Nasuni

An infographic highlighting data growth and where it is kept has been published by Nasuni Corp.

It’s no secret that data is growing, but how rapidly it’s growing is astounding:

  • It’s predicted that by 2020 we will see a 4,300% increase in annual data generation.
  • 2.5EB of data are created each day and that number is doubling every 40 months.
  • 90% of all data is unstructured data (files) and it’s growing 40-60% per year.

But we are not only storing more data – we don’t want to delete any of it and we need to protect it.

The good news is there are new storage technologies that help manage all this data. In the infographic The Data Deluge, Nasuni dives into the data – where it lives, what we’re storing and the new storage technology that is helping IT deal with the exponential growth.

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