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Caringo Swarm Selected by Argonne National Laboratory’s Nanoscience Discovery Cloud

To serve as cloud-based data store for experimental data

Caringo, Inc. announced that Argonne National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary science and engineering research center for the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science, has selected Caringo Swarm as the foundation of a Nano Science Discovery Cloud.


Swarm will serve as a cloud-based data store for experimental data that will support multiple requirements from various devices, instruments and processes in an existing legacy storage environment at the Center for Nanoscale Materials in Argonne National Laboratory.

Born out of the University of Chicago’s work on the Manhattan Project in the 1940s, Argonne works in concert with universities, industry and other national laboratories on questions and experiments too large for any one institution to manage by itself. Its diverse research agenda spans 15 research divisions, 12 centers, and 5 national user facilities. This rich scientific environment provides researchers with a range of facilities and scientific tools that support in-depth research, drive technological breakthroughs, and improve the nation’s competitiveness and quality of life.

Argonne architected an approach for a Nano Science Discovery Cloud by defining five distinct projects to upgrade its IT infrastructure to next-generation platforms and software. The foundational project was to create a scientific data store that was multi-tenant and multi-purpose. The solution had to be sustainable in terms of cost and operations in an environment of unpredictable growth, demand and access that could ultimately enable capture and immediate processing. After evaluating various open source and commercial products, Argonne selected Swarm.

Offered as a complete software appliance, Swarm provides a storage platform for data protection, management, organization and search at massive scale. Users no longer need to migrate data into disparate solutions for content delivery, ongoing analysis, and data protection.

With Swarm, users can consolidate all their files, find the data they are looking for quickly, and reduce storage TCO by up to 75%. Infrastructure, multi-tenancy, data protection, data management, and search are built in-delivering a platform that supports continuous evolution of hardware and delivers evolving views of data sets.

We are thrilled to work with Argonne National Laboratory on their Nanoscience Discovery Cloud project to help establish a cloud-based approach for data acquisition, processing, analysis and visualization,” said Jonathan Ring, Caringo CEO and co-founder. “Swarm’s ability to economically manage storage growth and access requirements while providing a platform for existing and next-generation applications will help Argonne maintain its position at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
